Polley Mansion- HABS data and supplemental pages - Library of Congress READ MORE Polley Mansion aka Whitehall Overview - Polley Mansion aka Whitehall - Our StoryPolley Mansion aka Whitehall by Richard B. McCaslinPolley Stake House - 1847Baileys and Polleys Among Earliest TexansJoseph and Mary Bailey Polley PortraitsPolley Mansion Restoration photosPolley Mansion- HABS data and supplemental pages - Library of CongressHABS photos 1936 and early house photo 1899Cook House HABS photo 1936 and recent 2017 PhotoPolley Mansion AKA Whitehall – Architectural DescriptionHABS Architectural Drawings - Library of CongressPolley Deeds -Bexar County Deed Records1850 and 1860 Census - Guadalupe County1860 Slave Census - Guadalupe CountyTax Assessment and Agricultural Census DocumentsPolley Cemetery -Texas Historic Cemetery markerJ.H. Polley Brand - Bexar County Brand Bk A, p39A 1850Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1965 ← Polley Mansion Restoration photos HABS photos 1936 and early house photo 1899 → Polley Mansion- HABS data and supplemental pages - Library of Congress